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Science, or what's left of it.

Feb 10, 2022 at 08:15 AM CST
+ 12
Now saying natural immunity is more effective than the vaccine. I guess the conspiracy theorists are right again, and MSM wrong. Could you imagine being this bad at your job and not going broke.
Replied on Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 08:00 PM CST
+ 2

I'm pretty sure the only science they are using is political science

Replied on Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 07:56 AM CST

If you are getting you news from MSM with all the crazy misleading headlines they put out there. You are in trouble. I see some of these in my news feeds on face book and i cant believe they are not charged with crimmal acts for the disservice they are doing in the media. The facts are out there all around us and most people know from common knowledge that natrual imuitity has alway been the best vaccine for any virus. there is a lot of promenet Doctors that have been blowing the whistle of what our goverment and the media has been telling the people from the beginning and time is proving these doctors were right all alone once again

Replied on Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 09:17 AM CST

Being older, I can remember when I was young, my mother would tell us to go play with the neighbor kids when they had something like chicken pox. She knew it was inevitable that we were going to get it so she wanted it out of the way! Things were a lot better back then, when we got the news off of one of the 3 tv channels that we got! Our natural immunity was and is MUCH stronger than people these days because we played outside, worked outside, drank from a garden hose, ate vegetables directly from the garden and just lived all around more healthy! Fast forward 50 years and the youth of today get their exercise by paying on an Xbox! We, as an older generation, were taught to thing for ourselves, do our own research and draw our own conclusion! We make our choices, stick by them and live with the consquences of our actions. That is a big difference from today's society where people are told what they should think and post non stop on social media!

Lord help us! This world has gone to hell!

Replied on Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 08:23 AM CST
Quote: "Being older, I can remember when I was young, my mother would tell us to go play with the neighbor kids when they had something like chicken pox. She knew it was inevitable that we were going to get it so she wanted it out of the way! Things were a lot better back then, when we got the news off of one of the 3 tv channels that we got! Our natural immunity was and is MUCH stronger than people these days because we played outside, worked outside, drank from a garden hose, ate vegetables directly from the garden and just lived all around more healthy! Fast forward 50 years and the youth of today get their exercise by paying on an Xbox! We, as an older generation, were taught to thing for ourselves, do our own research and draw our own conclusion! We make our choices, stick by them and live with the consquences of our actions. That is a big difference from today's society where people are told what they should think and post non stop on social media! Lord help us! This world has gone to hell!"

My mother didn't have to tell us to go out side and play, it was more like the yard light is on you have 1 hour and then she smile at us (with all the dirty faces) then point to the bath tub. I always wanted to go first. Didn't like bathing in dirty water. My grampa would grin and say ( a pound of dirt nerver hurts the child just the field they took it from)